Wednesday, February 26, 2014

5 Excellent Tools to Convert Photos to Cartoons 


We’re moving. As we began packing the boxes, it was obvious to me how much we’d accumulated since our last move. This realization led to a fascinating conversation with my wife about de-cluttering our lives. My mind immediately went to my leadership. What is the clutter I’ve accumulated as a leader that’s hindering my impact? Here are a few ideas to consider.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Tablets for Fifth Graders? Teachers Try Different Tactics

Schools across the country are increasingly starting to use mobile devices like tablets and smartphones as classroom tools. But some educators are still skeptical that devices will distract students as much or more than they enhance the learning environment.

Read More: 

Ten Trends in Education for 2014

The impact of digital technology on learning

A review of the exec summary highlights some interesting – and possibly surprising – conclusions. They certainly make the point that drawing a causal link between achievement and the use of technology is a long bow. In several of the studies they reviewed, the use of technology produced slightly lower effects on achievement than other interventions such as learner feedback:

3 Risks of Not Tracking Your Progress

“They say you can’t manage what you can’t measure. Sometimes we don’t measure because we know we’ll find proof that we’ve failed to manage.

The Real Don Draper Invented Brainstorming. But He Did It Wrong. 

Check this out: MOE-Fact-Sheet-7_Modern-Learning-Environments-WEB 

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Professional Learning Resolutions 2014


"we need a more comprehensive system-wide 'kick in the pants' to accept that digital literacy is indeed an essential competency for all teachers and students in our third millennium education system"
Derek Wenmoth


"digital technologies were going to change the world that my students would be growing up into, and that enabling them to become familiar with how computers could enhance their ability to work with information and communicate information was going to be an essential competency in their lives"
Derek Wenmoth 

8 Frequent Mistakes Made with iPads in School

Tuesday, February 4, 2014