Thursday, October 24, 2013

GameOn - Mahitahi

2013 GameOn - Mahitahi Storyboarding

Some of the Games we are working on are

- Dodgeball
- Knuckle Bones
- Man Hunt
- Go Home Stay Home
- Line Tag
- Last Man Standing 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Modern Learning Environments: Machines for Learning - Mark Osborne

Modern Learning Environments: Machines for Learning - Mark Osborne

Architect Le Corbusier famously described houses as ‘machines for living’, meaning every aspect of them should enhance the lives of the people who inhabit them. If he were alive today and designing schools, I’m sure he would describe today’s modern learning environments as ‘machines for learning’, with creativity, innovation and collaboration woven into their very fabric. These spaces are a far cry from the industrial-style buildings most schools are saddled with, but the good news is that there is an increasing awareness of the role that vision, curriculum and pedagogy can play in the design of learning spaces.

In this session, you’ll see examples of inspiring learning environments from around the country and around the world, explore the research into powerful learning that informs their design and (most importantly) see how you can begin using these ideas in your own classroom tomorrow.

Everything in your 'house' should enhance learning, every cog has a part to play.

doing the same thing at the same time - Classes of yesterday 

doing the same thing at the same time was the same as the job you were going in to. 

Industrial  = Schools
Hooter - bells
Shifts - timetable
Batches - year levels 
Division of Labour - subjects
Identical products - Qualifications
Uniforms - uniforms 
Rules and Procedure

This was yesterday what does tomorrow look like
We shape our buildings thereafter they shape us "Winston Churchill" 

ingenuity, innovation, creative - what does this look like?

A colour scheme is not a modern learning environment!

People remember stuff, but people need to do stuff with things they remember 

If you dont offer something more effective, kids will go around us to learn
- MIT Online
- Kahn Academy 
- Memrise 

Any jobs the are routine are being replaced 

Learn to Learn, Unlearn and Relearn 

Our school were designed for teaching, imagine if they were designed for learning  

Learning is a social, powerful and engaging when working with others 

Educative Purpose 

Educative Purpose should drive what is important to us 

Tutoring importance 
Effect size massive - Cross age tutoring 0.79 

How do we allocate teachers, students, resources and time to learn

Modern Learning Existing Environments  

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Student Mentors 
Cross syndicate assistance and mentoring 

Collaboration, Innovation and enhancing teaching and learning. - Alexandra Primary

Collaboration, Innovation and enhancing teaching and learning. 

Alexandra Primary's journey so far... 
Adele Gott, Angela Scoullar and Simon Bell 

Creating a 21st century learning environment has been one of the major focuses of Alexandra Primary School over the past three years. Enabling, empowering and engaging our students have been key aspects of our curriculum development for 21st century learners.

Alexandra Primary School promotes a culture of anywhere, anytime learning where learning is a 24/7 disposition. Using personalised learning plans and flipped instruction we cater and engage a diverse range of students to reach their potential through a variety of contexts.

Over the past three years engagement has been a major focus within the school. Through research and data based decision making we decided to implement BYOD to increase student achievement and engagement.
Our results are showing that by engaging students in their learning by using a personal device and providing them with meaningful learning experiences then their intrinsic motivation to learn becomes increased.

Differentiation learning collaboration learning, personalised, connectedness, 24/7
Open learning, free, creative, global
Be prepared to be learners 
Supportive staff, all working towards same vision 
Justify and reassure to parent about the process - education of parents 
BYOB - Browser driven 
1 to 1 personalised learning and gives agency 

How is your school doing Professional learning?
Teckie Breakie - Resources added to google site 
Staff had to present snippets of their learning from PD (L@S) 

Parent teacher walk throughs  - viewing education in action 
Had to meet at office and sign in
Offer this every term for parents to view the school

Managing Change
Public meetings
eClass - opportunities for certain children that needed differentiation 
Understand and know your community - support and guidance 
What was the vision of doing this, be strong and stick by your guns

Personalised learning
Parents bring their device 
Put he parents in control of their knowledge
Parents getting something out of the change

Kids showing learning links 
Kids presenting to parents 
Making movies, sharing learning together

NO PUBLISHING on paper - Changing where you put work
Audience is much bigger 

PD = Learning to Learn
Staff look at their own practice and create their own inquiry around their need 
Staff using VLN to source information and networks 

Collaborative appraisal documents 
Accountability to Appraisers with information shared and gathered and journal entries 
Staff can view all appraisal documents and view development 
Personalised learning with Staff 

Integrating elearning PD and staff meeting 
BOT bought an ipad for each staff so staff are all working on the same platform 

Management does spot check in classes. Hands off devices. Double click and see open apps 
Come down hard on inappropriate use. 

Personalised behaviour plans based on School Values 

Manaiakalani Innovative Teacher Academy 2013

Some amazing ideas and innovations shared at Manaiakalani Innovative Teacher Academy 2013 

Open Learning Spaces

Working from spaces
Children then complete learning from the range of places
Children have range of groups - Home Group, Literacy Group, Maths Group 
Rational - More flexibility to meet he needs of specific learners and groups of learners in order to lift achievement
Flexible learn with flexible learning spaces  
Everybody has access to every bodies learning 
Sharing the load of the teaching - Shared Care
Children needed to learn to be a successful learner - Teaching Key Comps 

Available space
Open Door Policy
Open Access to learning and teaching - Planning
Reporting and assessment practices collectively agreed on 
Structures around pedagogy
Co teaching vs Collaboration 

Flexible spaces
Flexible teaching opportunities
Village effect
Real life connections
Shared responsibility 
Learning and support 
Flexibility in teaching accountablity  

Learners Ownership and Accountability  

Motivation of learners important 
Control = less creativity 
Independent creativity timetabled (with guidelines, expectations and sharing) 
Grouping accounting to Key Competencies 

Kids Driving Change, Creation Time 

Weekly Word e.g. Happy, passion, Love
Share this word in anyway you want, how every you want. 
Share at the end of the week what you did and how you achieved it 

Cognitive engagement 
Powerful learning and sharing
Impact on other children was positive 

Too many lions
Are the children aware of the learning
Ongoing reflection throughout the process 
How were you contributing to the group and how your learning was developing 
Honest reflection
Assessment as learning - kids confidently aware 
Passion to learn 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The 5th Wall - Ed Talk Jamie Power

Jamie Power: The Fifth Wall from EDtalks on Vimeo.

Leadership for Innovation - Mark Osborne

“A leader is someone who grows other leaders around them while growing themselves”.

This session is a condensed look at ‘the missing Swiss-army knife’ of leadership: a set of tools that make leading (and growing leaders) easier. It will look at adaptive leadership and developing a culture of innovation, change leadership, strengths-based, servant and distributed leadership. Based on research into what makes organisations highly effective, there are a number of concrete things you can begin doing tomorrow that will help you to unlock the ‘change agent’ in yourself, your staff and your students to create a culture which encourages everyone to initiate change and innovation. 

  • Collaborate - Connecting and developing relationships
  • Innovate - Innovation and sustainability
  • Educate - Learning

Monday, October 7, 2013

Engagement with Mobile Devices - Karen Melhuish Spencer

How to Engage Learners with Mobile Devices 

How will we engage those hard to reach learners
How will we use devices to assist learning pathways
What are the capabilities of the devices we have

Golden Circle Simon Sinek
Adaption by Karen Melhuish Spencer Remember the WHO

Universal Design for Learning is about creating learning options that cater for everyone at the beginning. It's about:
  • avoiding retro fitting and unnecessary differentiation
  • recognising the invisible barriers that bury talent,
  • proactively getting to know students and each other and then using that knowledge to create learning opportunities and environments,
  • welcoming diversity and using it as a springboard to innovate,
  • designing from the edges - planning from the diversest needs rather than from the mythical middle.
What this means: 
Maximises Learning for all students 
Curriculum Design - using ramps for people the need them. 
Flexible Curriculum that workd for everyone
What do we care about
Show info in different ways
Options and choice for children
What are the barriers, how can you eliminate them
UDL creates flexible pathways 
Scaffolds support for new concepts 
Multimedia as forms of support
Express what they know
Multiple means of engagement (not just one way) 
= learning opportunities for all! 

"Help me find my Doorway"

What can we access to support learning:

  1. Mobile devices
  2. Web based Apps
  3. Ubiquitous connection
  4. Shared and personal spaces
  5. Networks