Tuesday, October 7, 2014

ULearn14 - Yoram Harpaz The Ideologies of Education

Yoram Harpaz
The Ideologies of Education

Only three ideologies in education
We need to choose only one of these ideologies to follow
(Ideologies of an imagined picture of society)

Utopia – image of a perfect place, image of perfection
Diagnosis – description of actual society
Strategy – The means to change the Diagnosis to Utopia, to reduce the gap.
Collective – A group to carry out the change

Socialisation – Adapting the children to society
Teacher = manager, imparts facts and skills, exercising instructions, all students are all the same, learning from imitation, content is practical and useful. (Training animals at a circus)

Acculturation – Shaping the child’s character in light of the preferred culture. Demanding values and truth, students are different, we teach what you want to know, instruction is modelling, learning is internalization, inner value content. (Who are we God to shape children’s minds)

Individuation – Fulfil own destiny, invent self, fostering the autonomy, personalisation of learning, teacher as a facilitator, guide on the side, teaching is sensitive to individual needs, individual development, each student is unique, self regulating learning. Students are regulating their own learning.  (Let them choose)

We need to choose one of these ideologies to lead our educational practice. You can not teach a combination of all as they contradict each other. An effective school has one ethos! Talk in the same language and believe in one way.
If we change of way, we become indifferent, not sustainable, or believable. We need to make a pedagogical choice/sentiment

T + I + C + S = P
Teacher + instruction + content = purpose

Purpose = knowledge, skills, traits, worldview

When we get into school we are seeing double, we see that there is a gap and we need to minimise the gap, we educate.

Chalk and Talk

Frontal teaching is a form of supervision not teaching

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