Tuesday, October 7, 2014

ULearn14 - Mark Osborne Where Learning Takes Place

Mark Osborne
Where Learning Takes Place

What does Education 1.0 mean?
Learn from experts, family, face to face, family (Name Cooper as a barrel maker)

What does Education 2.0 mean?
Building systems, schools are like factories, one size fits all, teacher dictating, industrial model

What does Education 3.0 mean?
It not a teacher at the front,

Obsolete technology
Paper, connected phone, video stores, film,
People are consuming media via alternative forms/digital forms/mobile forms

Transferring of information – there are continuing issues with this.

Vanishing Jobs
50% of USA jobs are under threat
What can we do that a machine cant do
Jobs that can be done by computers ‘bankers beware: city soon will be run by robots’ The telegraph
Any job that can be routined is rapidly being automated or off shored

“Its hard to test something that has no known answer”
“Its easy to test things that are routine cognitive”
The front half of the NZC have provided the key to this  - VALUES

The school commandments – things that have always been done
-       Group children according to year of birth
-       Learning happens inside the classroom from 9 – 3
-        That we don’t learn outside
-        Class sizes of 25 – 30, physical spaces, shoe boxing children
-       teachers shall teach
-       50min sessions
-       working towards a yearly standard

Changing physical spaces will not change anything, need to think about the systems. MLE Planning Matrix
Make decisions based on what is good for the children not what is easy. Spaces should be build from schools vision
Think about the dentist and your classroom – what do you want to see?

What are affordances our physical environments offer?

Allowing children to not being limited by one teacher
Maximise the flexibility of our environments

How do we want to be shaped – as “We shape our building; thereafter they shape us” Winston Churchill

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