Sunday, January 27, 2013

Ours and Others Thoughts

The most important role of our job is to improve students' learning. It seems to me that improving students' learning can be done by support, influence, encouragement and inspiration of teachers and that can be done by a variety of methods.

One technique is by assisting teachers to develop the knowledge and skills that are necessary to make changes in their practice which consequently led to improve students' learning. Another process is to increase students' motivation and attitude towards learning.
However, over our time teaching we are noticing that classroom environments change from class to class, year to year, school to school.
From previous observations and classroom set ups we recognized that most of the classrooms can be messy, untidy, static and displays on the wall were old or were unable to be reached to be changed.  Students' bags were displayed in classrooms and there was always a large collection of collected materials. Children had little or no choice in where they learn or how they learn. All classes had similar sitting arrangement which was sitting in groups or rows; however students did their work individually and without talking to each other. This varied from class to class teacher to teacher. 

In my meeting with teachers and some advisors, we discussed the classroom environment and its relation with students' outcome. I noticed that from our discussions and the examples of research it indicated that education that encompassed the broad range of skills that a teacher needs to create a productive learning environment in which it influences learning and promotes positive behavior relates to classroom environment, children’s choice and a collaborative approach is what makes a difference.
We had some discussions around how to reflect on how they were learning. We also looking at the classroom from a different points of view, some teachers said: Parents may have concerns about the results of assessment and they do not ask or try to know how student got their marks or that they are evaluated based on the results of the students not on how the classroom was or how students were seating in the classroom.
We realized that we lacked an understanding of the relationship between the classroom learning environment and students' outcomes. In other words, how the classroom environment could be used as a tool for facilitating teaching and learning interactions.

We recognized that some of the teachers within our syndicate do not understand or neglected the relationship between classroom learning environment and student’s motivation with their learning. We also realized that some taught in traditional classrooms in which teaching and learning was mostly teacher-dominated.

Thus classroom learning environment became a challenge that needs investigation. My colleague and I decided to form an action research study which helps to address the change of the classroom environemnt and seeks to obtain solutions to how it engages children with their learning.

We searched the library and the internet for studies and articles that related to classroom learning environment; we found many studies that examined many aspects of the classroom learning environment; Elizabeth et all (1998) pointed out that primary students, who do not move from classroom to classroom, can spend between 900 and 1,200 hours in the same room each year; therefore, students have a right to study in an environment that is safe and meet their
needs. We also talked to our classes and this provided strong support for students' perceptions of classrooms and how these relate to the learning outcomes. Other studies suggested that purposeful attention to the learning environment can improve both teacher and student performance, attitude, and motivation. A sense of community, along with appropriate instruction can help students succeed. Savage (1999) studies thought the arrangement of the environment of the classroom as a way to improve the learning environment and to prevent problem behaviors before they occur. it was also pointed out that the classroom environment acts as a symbol to students and others regarding what teachers value in behavior and learning.

Parliament's education and science committee chairwoman Nikki Kaye announced "I can see the benefit of having an inquiry that investigates issues such as the best flexible teaching spaces, how handheld devices can promote more independent learning, new online learning opportunities and other technologies and infrastructure that better support teaching and learning in the 21st century,"

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